.. toctree:: :hidden: examples contribute copying todo Mongo Energy - Simple yet Powerful Python MongoDB Library and ODM ================================================================= Mnj (Mongo Energy) is a Python library for working with `MongoDB `_ in the most *pythonic* way possible. Mnj consits of the three main layers: * Python based DSL on top of the `PyMongo `_-like syntax. * Custom DSL operators implementing additional features which cover MongoDB best practices. * ODM (Object Document Mapping) framework that defines document schema and provides a high level abstraction for the Mnj features. Mnj is licensed under :doc:`copying`. Mnj DSL is handy ---------------- :: books = col.find(q( author=regex_('Gibson', re.IGNORECASE), year=gte_(2003) )) Mnj DSL can be used with any Python MongoDB driver if it is PyMongo compatible, including `Motor `_ and `txmongo `_. Still not convinced?☺ See :doc:`examples`. Get Mnj ------- Install ^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: shell pip install mnj Source Code ^^^^^^^^^^^ ``_ Contribute ---------- Any contributions are always welcome! See :doc:`contribute`.